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What is a Cataract?

A cataract can be defined as cloudyness of natural clear lens. The lens concentrates light rays onto the retina, resulting in sharp images. If the lens is cloudy, light beams can’t traverse it with ease and vision becomes blurred.

False notions about cataracts:
  • It’s a film that catches the eyes
  • It’s caused by over using the eyes.
  • It extends between one and other
  • It can cause irreparable blindness
  • It can be treated or arrested with medication
Common signs of cataract are:
  • A painless blurring of the vision
  • Light sensitivity, also known as glare,
  • poor night vision,
  • Double vision in one eye
  • Requiring brighter lighting to read
  • The color may fade or become yellow.
What is the Cause of Cataract?

The most prevalent form of cataract is caused by aging within the eye. Other causes of cataracts are:

  • Medical issues, like diabetes
  • Injury to eye
  • Medicines, particularly steroids;
  • Radiation;
  • Prolonged, unprotected exposure the sun;
  • Previous eye surgery.
What Can Be a Remedy for cataract?

Eye drops, no medications or exercises could cause cataracts to disappear or prevent their development Surgery is the only option to eliminate the cataract. If you’re not in a position to see clearly enough to be able to carry out your daily tasks it is recommended that cataract surgery be contemplated. When you undergo cataract surgery, the lens that is cloudy is removed from the eye by an incision made surgically. Lens replacement is performed by long-lasting IOL implant. No medication, diet supplementation or exercises have been proven to reduce or eliminate cataracts

What Should I Expect If I Decide to Go Through With Cataract Surgery?

To determine if your cataract needs to be removed, an Ophthalmologist (eye doctor) will conduct an extensive eye exam. Before the surgery, your eye will be examined to determine the proper strength of the IOL (intraocular lens) i.e its Refractive power, for it to be placed inside your eye. Consult your eye doctor to determine if you need to continue taking the usual medication prior to surgery. In addition, you should arrange to have someone take you home following surgery.

The Day of Surgery

Surgery is generally performed in an outpatient setting either in a hospital, or at an Ambulatory or day care Surgery Centre.

If you are scheduled for your surgery, you’ll receive eye drops or perhaps an anxiolytic that will ensure your comfort. A local or topical anaesthetic will be used to numb your eyes. The eye’s skin is then cleaned thoroughly and sterile covers are put on your head. It is possible to feel light and motion however, not during the procedure as it takes place

Operating microscopes are used to examine the eye. Micro incisions are made inside the eye. In majority of cataract surgeries, small surgical instruments are employed to cut and remove the cloudy lens from the eye. The membrane that surrounds the lens (called the posterior capsule) is generally kept in the same position.

A clear, acrylic or silicone IOL is then implanted into the eye to replace the natural lens.

Once the procedure has been completed the doctor will then put a protective shield or patch on your eye. After a brief time in the outpatient recovery room , you’ll be permitted to return home.

Get Your Vision Corrected By The Best Cataract Surgeon In Raipur?

Why let your decreasing eye-sight stop you from experiencing the beautiful days of your life? Opt for the most modern Cataract Surgery in Raipur in International standards modular operation theatre complex with worlds best machines and get a clearer vision at Om Netra Kendra & Laser Vision.

For an expert opinion on eye check-up and Cataract Cataract Surgery in Raipur, Call: 1800 8911 898.

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